Friday, April 17, 2009

I am sitting here trying to think of a title to this blog while watching my bulldog Emmit climb out of his pen to play in the water thats how he is doing it!!!!!!! Today I slept as much as possible. It was WONDERFUL. I have been really really tired and kind of sick, but maybe I am on the road to recovery now.

So I am totally a blogging virgin, but I'm a quick study!!!!!! Or at least I like to think so!!!!!!! Yesterday I had to run some errands, so I loaded up my baby and off we went. Target was our first stop. I thought....I can find a few things to wear, go get Carlos for lunch, go by the office and go big deal. Yeah right!!!!!! I had forgotten how much harder it is to do ANYTHING with an infant. Even if things go smoothly!!!!!!!! My quest to get some new things to wear was a disappointment at best, lunch was good, and as for my stop at the office.......lets not go there!!!!
I cant forget to mention the fact that my memory really really isnt what it used to be!!!!!!! I have to write EVERYTHING DOWN........everything!!!!!! But it is all worth it. Anah is starting to get a lot more alert and I can tell she is changing before my eyes. God is good.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I hadn't checked you out in a while, love the post, keep going angel face. I can't wait to see you again. Love Mom
